Facial Hair Growth: How to Improve It and Grooming
September 29, 2013 Growth
Facial Hair Growth

by kennethkonica under CC BY-ND


Some men love the look of facial hair, but may have had some difficulty in growing hair on their face in the past. Not all men are genetically able to grow the thick, bushy beards that they long to have, but there are some easy tricks and tips that can increase facial hair growth that you have. Keep reading to learn how you can get on the fast track to growing the facial hair you’ve always wanted.

The first tip is to start letting your hair regrow naturally. This of course means that you need to stop shaving your face. At first, the hair may grow in patches and look a bit strange. Just stick with it and soon the other hair follicles will start sprouting hairs, as well. It can take a few weeks for all of the patches to completely fill in, but it will happen if you just remain patient. People may comment or make fun of your scraggly, uneven appearance, but try to ignore them. Your reward for waiting will be the start of your fantastic new beard and/or mustache.

Once you have some good growth happening, you can start to trim the ends of your hair on the face so that it has a more even appearance. This will help to reduce some of the negative comments you may receive about your budding beard. It’s best to use scissors that are especially made to cut hair for this job. It is not necessary to trim frequently; once or twice a month should be enough in the beginning.

After four to six weeks of just letting your facial hair grow without much intervention, start taking vitamins that are specifically formulated to stimulate hair regrowth. You may be surprised to learn that many people have poor hair regrowth just because they are not getting the right amount of vitamins from their diet. The main vitamins for hair are:

Vitamin C: Available in fruits and vegetables like citrus, tomatoes and peppers. It helps to make your skin and hair healthier in general.

Vitamin A: It can be found in protein rich foods like eggs and meat, as well as dark leafy greens, carrots and broccoli. It helps to increase the amount of sebum you produce, which keeps your hair moisturized.

Vitamin B3: You can get it from meat, fish and wheat germ. It improves your circulation and works best when combined with biotin.

Vitamin E: This vitamin can be found in various oils, legumes and nuts. You can also apply it to the skin using topical creams. It helps to improve the skin and infected hair follicles.

Folic Acid: You can find this vitamin in dark leafy greens, whole-grain foods and nuts. It encourages the growth thicker hair and helps the body to repair damaged hair.

Biotin hair growth vitamin: It can be found naturally in many foods, but to effectively increase the growth of your hair, you should take a supplement that contains 100 mg every day. Biotin is one of the most important vitamins for this purpose.

There are also topical treatments (like castor essential oil) that you can try if the vitamins don’t seem to be helping enough. Look for products that also improve your skin because skin health is closely related to hair health and growth.

Another factor that can affect it is your stress level. Studies have shown that hair grows slower when you are stressed. It is a good idea to add some stress relieving activities to your routine if you haven’t already. If you have tried these methods and more, but still can’t achieve good results, talk to your physician to find out what the problem is.

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